All community service volunteers must complete a registration on their first day. Follow the steps below to be prepared for your first day!!!
Step 1: Print and complete these forms. Bring them with you to your first day.
Personal Info
Registration Information
Agreement and Waiver
If you do not have access to a printer, you may obtain a copy of the forms at the KPTCB office.
Step 2: Sign up for a community service shift
Contact the KPTCB Director via text message (contact info). The message should contain your full name, the date you’d like to work and the shift that you can work that day. If text messaging is not available, call.
(Standard shifts are Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM or 5:00 PM. Saturday shifts start one hour earlier at 8:00 AM and end at the same times. Shifts on Monday – Saturday from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM are available after your first day.)
Step 3: Complete your community service file with KPTCB staff
Arrive on time!
Legibly sign-in on the log book directly inside the front door and be seated in the conference room
Pay a one-time $10.00 registration fee (cash only )
Provide a copy of your community service time sheet
Furnish a government-issued picture ID to be copied
Have your picture taken for reference in your file
Step 4: Follow the rules!
Wearing clothing for outdoors work
Be 18 years old or older (younger must have parent/guardian)
Arrive for your community service work legally (do not drive to KPTCB with a suspended license!)
Sign out on the log book at the end of your shift
Follow all other guidelines and instructions from KPTCB staff (Guidelines)